Saturday, June 29, 2019

WWI Royal Naval Division Cap Badges - Second Addendum

It never ceases to amaze of the continuing interest in the cap badges of the WWI Royal Naval Division, and the efforts to exploit that interest by unscrupulous individuals with varying quality of fraudulent examples. Given that this author has fortunately never acquired any interest in this specific area of collecting, I can hopefully maintain a complete objectivity in presenting on-going efforts to defraud my fellow collectors. Previously this blog has presented a series of articles which the reader can refer to on the subject;
Readers should feel free to copy images contained in these articles in order to make side-by side comparisons with the images contained in this article.

The following is the most recent endeavor known to this author, which was recently presented and discussed in the British and Commonwealth Military Badge Collector’s Forum. The collection is extremely well presented in a very tasteful display, however quickly assessed by members of that forum as comprehensively fraudulent. Concurring in that evaluation is a member of the forum, considered an expert, John “Paddy” Newell. Rationale for showing the badges in this article is to provide continuing guidance to both new and expert collectors with pertinent information for their protection.

With both acknowledgement and gratitude to John Newell, as well as the Forum, the following images are provided. It’s a jungle out there, CAVEAT EMPTOR! Paired below each replica copy (grey background) is an image of an established genuine badge (red background) for direct comparison. Double click to significantly enlarge images. It is suggested that the viewer temporarily pull off an image of either the replica or original of a given badge as a jpg copy, then open both to full size for a simultaneous side by side comparison. For some of the more subtle differences it's recommended that the viewer refer to the previously cited articles.

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