Monday, August 5, 2013

An Addendum to Collecting Toy Soldiers/Military Miniatures; The State of the Hobby

Have noticed in the previous blog post entitled "Collecting Toy Soldiers/Military Miniatures; The State of the Hobby", published in May 1912, that I had not included some photographs  which might be of interest to viewers. See for the older page. Apologies in advance; as previously established I'm not even a competent amateur photographer, let alone in the professional ranks. One other thing, please excuse the dust (miniaturized "sands of time"). So in no particular order here are some additional photos amending those presented in the original post, with apologies for any duplicate scenes.

As a traditionalist, the viewer can see that difference in scale doesn't bother me to any extent, as it would a dioramist who demands the consistency of a common scale in all elements of a diorama. However, for the most part the figures are nominally either 54mm (1:32 scale) or 60mm (1:30 scale).

Bill Hocker's Set No.1, a British Army Observation Balloon,
Royal Engineers, circa 1890's (Boer War), with a variety of
 King & County WWII  Eighth Army, and SAS figures in the
 foreground including Col David Sterling and Paddy Mayne

Top shelf depicts the Charge of the Royal Scots Greys and
 Gordon Highlanders at Waterloo by King & County, next
shelf contains a variety of Gordon Highlanders from
 W. Britains, Asset, King & Country and Imperial. The
bottom shelf spans time from Royal Marine Commandos
supported by a Challenger II main battle tank (Forces of
 Valor) in the 1st Gulf War, to Lord Lovat's Commandos at
 D-Day, WWII both sets made by King & Country

On the top shelf, sets from Bill Hocker's Crimean War series,
middle shelf are more of Hocker's sets (note Busnell's Turtle)
 combined with W.Britains (U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard)
 and Imperial (30th Lancers, Gordon's Horse) , bottom shelf
 are Hocker's sets from his Indian Mutiny series 

A better view of Hocker's Indian Mutiny series combined with
both vintage and new W. Britains toy soldier sets

Steadfast has produced some excellent and finely detailed
 sets depicting the guns of the Royal Artillery and various
 military wagons from the Victorian era

Top shelf shows King & Country's representation of the
Australian Light Horse in their renowned charge at Beersheba,
 Palestine in WWI, bottom shelf contains a variety of famous
 WWII aircraft, from Franklin Mint, Corgi and W. Britains

As an adjunct to those who may be interested, the following video is of the Life Guards and Blues and Royals Mounted Bands on ceremonial duties in London.

For those who might be interested, the following is a slightly more learned historical perspective delivered by Dr. Roger T. Stearn of the Victorian Military Society, delivered at the National Army Museum in 2013.


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