The movie “A Bridge Too Far”, based on Cornelius Ryan’s best
selling book of the same name, chronicling the WWII Operation Market-Garden (Battle of Arnhem), premiered in 1977 with an all-star cast. Each of
the major actors/actresses were already an established star unto themselves.
Although not garnering any significant film awards, it represents one of the
last truly epic historical war films produced.
Am not certain who was responsible for casting the
characters in the movie, however Joseph E. Levine and his son Richard produced
the movie and Richard Attenborough was the director. (Author's note: Subsequently have learned that the casting director was Miriam Brickman.) With only a few noteworthy
exceptions the coincident physical features of the actors portraying the actual
significant personages was, in my opinion, rather remarkable. This is obviously the case with some of the individuals more than others. See if you don't agree in the similarity in facial appearances in the following examples:
Knowledgeable individuals will recognize Maj. General Frost in his final rank, not his rank of Lieut Colonel, commanding 2nd Bn, the Parachute Regiment, at the time of the battle.
Knowledgeable individuals will recognize Maj. General Frost in his final rank, not his rank of Lieut Colonel, commanding 2nd Bn, the Parachute Regiment, at the time of the battle.
Lieut. General Frederick Arthur Montague "Boy" Browning GCVO KBE CB DSO, OC, 1st Allied Airborne Army. (played by Dirk Bogarde)
Lieut. General Sir Brian Horrocks KCB
KBE DSO MC, OC, XXX Corps (played by Edward Fox)
Maj. General Robert “Roy”
E. Urquhart CB DSO OC, 1st Airborne Division ( played by Sean
Maj. General
Stanislaw F. Sosabowski, OC, 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade (
played by Gene Hackman)
Brigadier J.O.E. Vandeleur DSO & Bar, OC, 32nd Guards Brigade, Guards Armoured Division (played
by Michael Caine)
Maj. General John D. Frost CB, DSO MC, as Lieut Colonel, OC, 2nd Bn, the Parachute Regiment (played
by Anthony Hopkins)
Maj. General James M. Gavin U.S.A., OC, 82nd Airborne Division (played
by Ryan O’Neal, and not as good a resemblance as some of the others)
Maj. General Maxwell Taylor, OC, 101st Airborne Division (played by Paul
Brigadier Gerald Lathbury, OC, 1st Parachute Brigade (played by Donald
Major Brian Urquhart (named “Fuller” in
movie), Intelligence Officer, 1st Airborne Corps (played by Frank Grimes)
Mrs. Kate Ter Horst (played by Liv
SS Obergruppenführer (Lieut General) Wilhelm Bittrich, OC, II SS Panzer Corps (played
by Maxmillian Schell, again not quite as good a resemblance as some of the others)
SS Standartenführer
(Maj General) Heinz Harmel (named ”Ludwig” in movie), OC, 10th SS Panzer Division (Frundsberg) (played by Hardy Kruger)
Major Allison Digby Tatum-Warter DSO, OC, A Company, 2nd Bn, The Parachute Regiment (named “Carlyle” in movie) (played by Christopher Good)
SS Hauptstrumführer (Captain) Paul Graebner, OC, Reece Bn, 9th SS Panzer Division (Hohenstaufen) (played by Fred Williams)
Excellent movie. Great cast.
One of, if not the best war films ever made and the music is fantastic. Thank you
Fantastic post. Probably the greatest war film ever made.
Interesting to see the comparisons - thanks
Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. buy dvd taken season 1
To answer the query of the casting director on this film, it was the final film of Miriam Brickman. This was the one of the last films she cast before she died.
Zulu is the best ever film, this is a close second
Sorry it was dreadful. Typical American gung-ho. All the Brits portrayed as stupid, clueless, snobbish, scared of their own shadows. The Anericans by contrast were portrayed as tough no-nonsense cigar chomping heroes who had to show the British soldiers what to do(remember the establishing of the Bailey bridge, it needed Elliot Gould’s cigar chewing character to make it happen and he was a paratrooper😂😂😂😂
Hello Anonymous,
I'm not quite certain how to reply, in as much as Richard Attenborough, one of your countrymen I believe (if you are British), directed the film. It is what it is. Thank you for your comments snd interest in the blog.
Best regards
Arnhem Jim
Fair enough. Regardless of present day criticism that fails to consider the time and events when the movie was released.
The Dutch actor (Peter Faber) playing the Dutch liason officer Captain Harry (Arie Bestebreurtje) for general Gavin did not even had to an audition for his role. The director Richard Attenborough had seen a movie of him "Max Havelaar" and Peter Faber with mustache was a spitting image. Faber 6 years older as Brestebreurtje in 1944
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